Software Testing and Testing Automation with Python

Testing Basics


Tests in software are like rumble strips on the highway - they provide feedback to the driver as early as possible when they depart their normal lane and gives them time to correct the situation comfortably before they depart the road and have an accident.

The Four-Phase Test Pattern

The Four-Phase Test Pattern is described in Gerard Meszaros’ book “xUnit Testing Patterns” and is a nice clear way to structure your tests. It allows the reader to easily see what is being testing and greatly increases the documentation value of the test.

  1. Setup - Establish the preconditions to the test.
  2. Exercise - Do something to the system.
  3. Verify - Check the expected outcome.
  4. Cleanup - Return the system under test to its initial state after the test.

Running Tests

PyTest will automatically look for files named test_*.py or * and from them run functions whose names begin with test and/or methods that begin with test contained in classes that begin with Test and have no __init__. There are some more custom configurations you can provide and the full test discovery process is detailed here in the documentation.

Run the existing test suite

Checking Return Values

All tests need to use a form of the assert statement which will pass if the conditional is True and fail if it is False. This can be as simple as assert a==b and we should be striving for simplicity!

String Comparison

Comparing strings is done with a simple equality check.

def test_title_case():
    # Setup
    input = 'this is a test string'
    desired = 'This Is A Test String'

    # Exercise
    actual = input.title()

    # Verify
    assert actual == desired

    # Cleanup - none necessary
Exercise 1


def test_build_asos_request_url_single_digit_datetimes():
    Test building URL with single digit month and day.
    # Setup
    start = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 5, 1)
    end = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 9, 1)
    station = 'FSD'

    # Exercise
    result_url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url(station, start, end)

    # Verify
    truth_url = (''
    assert result_url == truth_url

    # Cleanup - none necessary

def test_build_asos_request_url_double_digit_datetimes():
    Test building URL with double digit month and day.
    # Setup
    start = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 11, 12)
    end = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 16, 15)
    station = 'MLI'

    # Exercise
    result_url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url(station, start, end)

    # Verify
    truth_url = (''
    assert result_url == truth_url

    # Cleanup - none necessary

Numerical Comparison

Numerical comparisons are a common place that new testers start getting into trouble. Testing integers is straightforward:

def test_does_three_equal_three():
    assert 3 == 3

Trouble begins immediately when we leave the integer world though! Floating point comparisons are fraught with peril. If you really want to get into why there is a lot of light bedtime reading about the IEEE 754 specification and how machine precision results in small rounding errors. For our purposes we will simply say that this is NOT a safe thing to do:

def test_floating_subtraction():
  # Setup
  desired = 0.293

  # Exercise
  actual = 1 - 0.707

  # Verify
  assert actual == desired

  # Cleanup

The best way to deal with this is to add a tolerance check, something like:

def test_floating_subtraction():
    # Setup
    desired = 0.293

    # Exercise
    actual = 1 - 0.707

    # Verify
    assert(abs(actual-desired) < 0.00001)

    # Cleanup

That would result in too much logic and duplicated code in our tests and seems like a solved problem right? Numpy has a testing helper for exactly this: numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal.

Now our test can simplify to:

from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal

def test_floating_subtraction():
    # Setup
    desired = 1.5

    # Exercise
    actual = 3 - 1.5

    # Verify
    assert_almost_equal(actual, desired)

    # Cleanup - none necessary
Exercise 2 Note: Meteorological wind components are computed as:


def wind_components(speed, direction):
    Calculate the U, V wind vector components from the speed and direction.

    speed : array_like
        The wind speed (magnitude)
    wdir : array_like
        The wind direction, specified as the direction from which the wind is
        blowing (0-360 degrees), with 360 degrees being North.

    u, v : tuple of array_like
        The wind components in the X (East-West) and Y (North-South)
        directions, respectively.

    direction = np.radians(direction)
    u = -speed * np.sin(direction)
    v = -speed * np.cos(direction)
    return u, v

def test_wind_components_north():
    # Setup
    speed = 10
    direction = 0

    # Exercise
    u, v = meteogram.wind_components(speed, direction)

    # Verify
    true_u = 0
    true_v = -10
    assert_almost_equal(u, true_u)
    assert_almost_equal(v, true_v)

def test_wind_components_northeast():
    # Setup
    speed = 10
    direction = 45

    # Exercise
    u, v = meteogram.wind_components(speed, direction)

    # Verify
    true_u = -7.0710
    true_v = -7.0710
    assert_almost_equal(u, true_u, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(v, true_v, 3)

def test_wind_components_threesixty():
    # Setup
    speed = 10
    direction = 360

    # Exercise
    u, v = meteogram.wind_components(speed, direction)

    # Verify
    true_u = 0
    true_v = -10
    assert_almost_equal(u, true_u)
    assert_almost_equal(v, true_v)

def test_wind_components_zero_wind():
    # Setup
    speed = 0
    direction = 45

    # Exercise
    u, v = meteogram.wind_components(speed, direction)

    # Verify
    true_u = 0
    true_v = 0
    assert_almost_equal(u, true_u)
    assert_almost_equal(v, true_v)

    # Cleanup

Array Comparison

Array comparisons are much like integer and floating point comparisons. In this case we’re going to use np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal to cleanup our tests we just wrote.

Instructor Led

Instructor Code

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal

def test_wind_components():
    # Setup
    speed = np.array([10, 10, 10, 0])
    direction = np.array([0, 45, 360, 45])

    # Exercise
    u, v = meteogram.wind_components(speed, direction)

    # Verify
    true_u = np.array([0, -7.0710, 0, 0])
    true_v = np.array([-10, -7.0710, -10, 0])
    assert_array_almost_equal(u, true_u, 3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(v, true_v, 3)

    # Cleanup
