Software Testing and Testing Automation with Python

Advanced PyTest


Recording URL Requests

We’re still making url requests in a couple of tests and we would rather not for reasons we’re already discussed.

from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
import vcr

def get_recorder(test_file_path):
    """Return an appropriate response recorder for the given path."""
    return vcr.VCR(cassette_library_dir=str(test_file_path / 'fixtures'))
from meteogram import meteogram
from meteogram.testing import get_recorder

recorder = get_recorder(Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
@patch('meteogram.meteogram.current_utc_time', new=mocked_current_utc_time)
def test_download_asos_data():
    """Test downloading ASOS data."""
    # Setup
    url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('AMW')

    # Exercise
    df = meteogram.download_asos_data(url)

    # Verify
    first_row_truth = pd.Series(
                      {'station_id': 'AMW',
                       'station_name': 'Ames',
                       'latitude_deg': 41.990439,
                       'longitude_deg': -93.618515,
                       'UTC': pd.Timestamp('2018-03-25 12:00:00'),
                       'temperature_degF': 29,
                       'dewpoint_degF': 24,
                       'wind_speed_knots': 8,
                       'wind_direction_degrees': 113})

    assert_dataseries_equal(df.iloc[0], first_row_truth)

    # Cleanup - none necessary
Exercise 7


def test_download_asos_data_in_future():
    """Test for correct behavior when asking for non-existant (future) data."""
    # Setup
    url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('AMW',
                                           datetime.datetime(2999, 10, 10, 10),
                                           datetime.datetime(2999, 11, 10, 10))

    # Exercise
    df = meteogram.download_asos_data(url)

    # Verify
    assert df.empty

    # Cleanup - none necessary

def test_download_asos_data_start_after_end():
    """Test for correct behavior when start and end times are reversed."""
    # Setup
    start = datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 1, 12)
    end = datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 1, 12)
    url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('AMW', start, end)

    # Exercise
    df = meteogram.download_asos_data(url)

    # Verify
    assert df.empty

    # Cleanup - none necessary
