Let’s modify the url builder again!
to start_date
and end_date
.def build_asos_request_url(station, start_date=None, end_date=None):
# If there is no ending date specified, use the current date and time
if end_date is None:
end_date = current_utc_time()
# If there is no starting date specified, use 24 hours before the ending date and time
if start_date is None:
start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
.def mocked_current_utc_time():
Mock our utc time function for testing with defaults.
return datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 26, 12)
from unittest.mock import patch
@patch('meteogram.meteogram.current_utc_time', new=mocked_current_utc_time)
def test_that_mock_works():
Test if we really know how to use a mock.
# Setup - None
# Exercise
result = meteogram.current_utc_time()
# Verify
truth = datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 26, 12)
assert result==truth
# Cleanup - none required
@patch('meteogram.meteogram.current_utc_time', new=mocked_current_utc_time)
def test_build_asos_request_url_defaults():
Test building URL with all defaults.
# Setup - none required
# Exercise
url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('MLI')
# Verify
truth = ('https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/asos/1min_dl.php?'
assert url==truth
# Cleanup - none required
@patch('meteogram.meteogram.current_utc_time', new=mocked_current_utc_time)
def test_build_asos_request_url_default_start_only():
Test building URL with default start date.
# Setup
end_date = datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 25, 12)
# Exercise
url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('MLI', end_date=end_date)
# Verify
truth = ('https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/asos/1min_dl.php?'
assert url==truth
# Cleanup - none required
@patch('meteogram.meteogram.current_utc_time', new=mocked_current_utc_time)
def test_build_asos_request_url_default_end_only():
Test building URL with default end date.
# Setup
start_date = datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 24, 12)
# Exercise
url = meteogram.build_asos_request_url('MLI', start_date=start_date)
# Verify
truth = ('https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/asos/1min_dl.php?'
assert url==truth
# Cleanup - none required